Monday 27 October 2008

of deepavali n DRIVING!

yeh HAPPY DEEPAVALI! which means HAPPY HOLIDAY! don u juz love to b in msia?

suddenly every1 got no work n no classes. suddenly every1's coming back from outstation n oversea (i mean singapore haha). suddenly every1 is free to meet me. n wth moz of them juz had to b free on sun. suddenly i'm bz wif calls n smses to coordinate these outings. man i've not been doing this for a long time. suddenly every1 can't confirm cos every1 has other commitments including me. suddenly i'm stressed n confused.

i need to choose.. prioritise.. n SACRIFICE!! weii i've been rotting at home all these while, y all the events had to happen in a day?? on the same day!! i hate to sacrifice.. y can't things space out a lil? well in the end.. i had to fly an aeroplane to my primary skool frens.. gosh i feel bad=(

from secret recipe in times sq down to ichiban bonshi in pavillion. gals... i reli had a great day catching up wif u all. it's been a long time since i had a great day. i hope i can have more of this even when i'm working!! NO NO NO i'm not gonna b a stressed out pharmacist who has no life. triple layered eyebags severely underweight hair loss backache headache giddiness drowsiness ARRGGHH!! ok let's not scare myself 1st.


well after back from pavillion.. got bit excited n ask dad to let me practise driving around the taman. dad was like serious??!! cos lin-sama has not land her butt on the driver's seat since like errrr.. 1.. 2.. 3.. 4.. huh! a gud 5 yrs!!! now this is the ultimate acquired skill which i seriously doubt whether it's stil anywhere in my limbic system.

now yeh.. adjust my seat. push to 1st gear.. rite leg on accelerator.. ahh! the car's moving!! n it's a smooth ride baby=) i was born to drive!

ya rite...

scenario 1

dad: hey hey u wan to turn left muz show signal now.
me: yahor, ok!
*doosh doosh doosh wiper moving left n rite left n rite*
me: ahhh!! wiper?!! *in disbelief* how come the wiper is moving??!! eh how to stop the wiper now?? *panick*
dad: bcos u press wiper la.. AIYOOO.. *stop the wiper*
me: then where's the signal??
dad: HAIIYOYOOOOOO!! *heart attack* how u pass ur driving test when u dunno where's the signal??
bro: right hand side!!
me: ohhhh.. *excited at new discovery* *happily flashing the signal*

scenario 2

i was driving on a wide straight road n u know dad told me to b observant. n i was! i saw a car gonna come out from the little lorong on my left. n i immediately brake the car. then there's few secs of awkward moment when the car was waiting for me to pass while i'm waiting for the car to pass kaka.
dad: how can u brake suddenly??? so dangerous! n do u know that u r on the main road? u have the right to drive straight thru! it's the car from the little lorong that needs to stop n let u pass.
me: ohhhhh... no wonder that awkward moment juz now haha. *excited bcos i learnt sth new*

scenario 3

everytime i make a corner turn or a u turn or watever turn, n there's a car parking rite at that angle or mayb a divider, i nvr know i'm like 1 freaking inch away from it. only my dad n bro knew, n they had a tachycardia over it haha. well i kinda forget that i'm driving a car, a BIG RIGID CUBOID. i alwiz tot that the car i'm driving is only as big as my driver seat n that it can glide gracefully around any corner like a snake. wth.

scenario 4

switching to 2nd gear.
dad: y u alwiz switch to 2nd gear when the car is slowing down?
me: bcos u told me 5 yrs ago that i shudn't drag 1st gear for too long.
dad: but u muz b gaining a certain pace 1st then only u can switch to 2nd gear.
me: harh.. i tot in order to gain that certain pace, i need to switch to 2nd gear 1st!
dad: but u change to 2nd gear when the car is oredi very very slow, where got energy lidat? the car shud b moving at a certain pace 1st then only u switch to a higher gear to move at a faster pace!!
bro: i'll explain to u again later.
me: ok. *stil insisted that dad told me not to drag 1st gear for too long, 5 yrs ago*

scenario 5

side parking. so i switch to reverse gear. n then i turn my stering to the rite.
dad: STOOooP!! *forcefully turning the stering into the other direction*
me: *puzzled* hey i wan the car to move to the rite. so i turn the stering to the rite la!
bro: jie, u r now in reverse gear.
me: uhh.. i know.. so??
dad n bro: *pengsan*
me: oh oh oh i think i kinda get it. wait ah let me digest 1st.
dad: park the car 1st la. go home only digest. *very impatient liao*
then i was parking the car by listening to dad's directions, w/o using my brain cells haha.

end of 1st driving lesson in 5 yrs. the moment i get down the car. omg! i was pale n dizzy. i felt like i'm juz gonna collapse there. so i quickly took a deep breathe, walked into the house n lie flat on the floor for the nx hr.

it's either my motion sickness has gone from bad to worse, or that my BP (86/56mmHg) is too low to cope wif such stress. i'm stil dizzy until the moment i woke up the nx day, no kidding.

partly bcos of my motion sickness, partly bcos i like to talk crap, i nvr observe how ppl drive haha.

no wonder i like spongebob sooo dearly. bcos i can totally identify wif him. yes i'm juz as SILLY n STUPID as him. aho! n wat's more, i'm a sponge!! i juz absorb n absorb w/o further analysing n understanding.

man i shud hire a chauffeur for the rest of my life!!!

=spongeLIN squarepants=

Saturday 25 October 2008

Zaanse Schans & Volendam

10th April 2008

go holland muz see windmills n buy clogs rite?? *typical tourist* so after an exciting day at the city, the next thing wud b exploring the countryside.

it took us 35 mins of train ride from amsterdam city to arrive at zaanse schans.. don ask me how to pronounce.. i have no idea too!

when v get off the ferry, v saw this. n v went WOW! such clear reflection!

don u juz love countryside houses?

n yey, that's wat v r here for! windmill!

this 1's a mustard mill if i'm not mistaken.

once upon a time, there r thousands of traditional windmills here but now their job r taken over by very high-tech fugly-looking thin white windmills. hence there r only 10 gud o' windmills or so left, stretching along the lakeside to please tourist like me. *sigh* the world's changing such a fast pace.

such beautiful scenery muz have ME in it.

issh leg kangkang!

luckily i have back up this time!

can u spot 2 smiley face in this pic? ngeh ngeh... so cute!


we paid 2 euros to visit 'de kat'. the owner sayang his cat very much so he named his windmill after his cat. so it's called de kat, as in the cat. haha so lame...

need to climb lotsa narrow stairs to get here. n apparently, it has sth to do wif producing dyes.

at the balcony of the 'de kat'

overlooking this field. the view at the balcony is simply refreshing!

trust me, the windmill at the background is turning!! *excited* org bandar nvr see bfor.

wonder wat i do i mean by balcony? now see this.

can u spot the difference btw these 2 photos??? 1..
5.. ok 5 secs gone. u reli need lao hua specs if u can't spot it.

answer: 1st pic taken by khoe, 2nd pic taken by pfong. get it rite? give urself an eye massage to reward ur gud eyesight.

well it worked like this. khoe had to wait for all of us to climb up to the balcony so that he can take the pic for us, then only he can pay 2 euros to come in n join us. but it's his idea anyway muahaha.

cheese factory.

in holland, they produce gouda cheese. which is these round round thingy.

haha! DUTCH LADY! say cheeeeeese=) but she's not milking cows. she's selling cheese made from cow's milk.

i absolutely love cheese! n i bought the original flavour! n i have another story to tell abt the cheese. n i'm not telling ya in this post. nyeh nyeh...

giant clogs! obviously v r now at the clog factory.

this guy demonstrate how to manufacture a pair of clogs.. wif canggih machine. n he finished up a pair in like 2 mins. wow.

n he's trying to tell us that clogs r very durable, n u r supposed to wear it wif a pair of thick wool socks. neh.. imagine wearing clogs to walk around kl, my gudness! not only it's soo damn hard n uncomforable, the kik kik kok kok sound alone is enuf to drive me mad.

ok... time to spend money. i bought 2 pairs of clogs in this shop. no, they r not cheap but i was in a clog collecting frenzy at that moment. after this holland trip, i end up having many pairs of clogs.. of all sizes.. from very big to very small.. tsk tsk waste money!! y din i have the foresight to save some euros so that i can buy more murano glass in italy!!

on the evening, v catch a bus from amsterdam city to a fishing village... volendam.

v had a nice seafood dinner in 1 of the cosy restaurnats here. i only said it's nice, bcos personally i don like fresh seafood to b battered n deep fried. damn sayang u know.

omg.. if only pulau ketam can look like this...

n that's it. i love countryside day!! those photos don reli do justice to the beauty of these places.. luckily i stil had those picturesque moments in my mind=)

Thursday 23 October 2008

I AMsterdam

9th April 2008

after almoz 4 hrs of train ride from brussels, I AMsterdam!!! yeh!!!
prostitution.. LEGAL! marijuana.. LEGAL!
netherland... a paradise for many. n is by far the moz liberal country that i've been to.
where u get weed from COFFEEshop n a cuppa coffee from KOFFIEshop. cool heh!

i know wat's in ur mind? did i go in to those COFFEEshop rite? haha i wud.. if i'm alone. well ed had warned me not to.. cos he tot i'm not emotionally stable for that. but i was wif 5 gud n clean companions hehe.. so no peer influence. n mom can stil b proud of me.

now wat's the best way to get around amsterdam city??

BICYCLE, of course!! pls make sure that u reli know how to ride a bike.. life's at stake hey!

ignore that ugly pouch. rent a bike from mac bike for abt 7 euros. weee... this is the 1st time i ride on a bike since... erm.. standard 4.
ahh.. 13 yrs!! i doubted whether this acquired skill is stil anywhere in my limbic system.

needless to say, i was riding like a chicken. scared of crowd, scared of slowing down. sth's amissed. the bikers either showed us angry faces, funny faces, rude gestures or honking away, like wat's wrong wif asians huh??

apala tu khoe. he led us to riding on a opposite direction at a jln sehala. oii all bike lanes r jln sehala!! so to get it rite, v need to cross the road. it's red light for bike n sumhow every1 crossed except for me n shan.

it's a super super busy road!! v have cars, trams, pedestrians, bikes from every possible direction. waited for it to turn green. shan managed to cross bfor the tram came, bfor i prepared myself. so i told myself to cross once the tram passed. n yes, MY TURN!! juz when i pedalled across, OH-MY-GOD!! the cars were coming from another direction!! n they r vroooming closerrrr!! they r honking me like mad!!

ahhhh!!! i don wan to die at amsterdam!!!
ahhhh!!! i don wan to get injured!!!
gao meng ahhhh!!!

*fight n flight situation.. adrenaline pumping to the max** i pedalled wif ALL MY MIGHT like org gila n sped across the road.

phew! I'M SAFE!!!
they saw me frantically pedalling wif all my might n their heart skip a beat too. muahaha... v had a great laugh after that.

ok enuf of drama... here r the pics v took while v cycled around.

everywhere there r bicycles! every street there's a canal...

ain't it beautiful?

the houses have cute designs. houses r narrow bcos land is scarse. they have small doors. so every house has a hook at the top to hoist their furniture n let it get in thru the window. n sum houses r very senget.. bcos of the weight of those hoisted stuff n the pilings r swept by undergound water. oh.. interesting! i nvr know until the cosmos tour guide said that during the europe trip wif parents.

boo.. i don have a nice pic on this bridge.

at Vondelpark

finally a group photo wif every member in it

gee... my favourite place. I AMsterdam. defly a place to camwhore.

it started wif khoe. where he held the words wif both hands. n dunno y... every1 follows suit.

see.. 4 of them! i know it's a stupid pose. but unfortunately i was influenced too. oii evil khoe!
n there i go, kanasai! so UGLY!

n sadly, this is the only pic i took..wth.

except for pfong

so darren n i felt like kacau-ing her bcos of her lack of team spirit.

n yeh! another group photo! i love this 1 alot alot alot.

daren clinging on the a, me popping out from the a, shan between a n m, pfong n koon in the arches of m, n khoe lying on the platform... mengada-ly.

D for Damn!

M for mamma me-ah.

squeezing myself between t n e. so i form another word. TIE. hehe.

issh told ya i need wider lens.

cramming on a bicycle in front of Rijksmusuem.

Anne Frank House. BORING! don go. waste money.

it's basically the house where Anne Frank hid during the Nazi persecution. she's a jewish, she wrote a diary. n now the house is converted into a musuem. that's it. if u wan to know abt this part of history, better go germany la kan.

see, i took a nice pic for them.

bloody hell, see how they take for me instead.

bumping into nice church A

happily bumping into nice church B

Dam Square

yep there's madame tussaud in amsterdam. not only london.

v ended the day by feasting our eyes at red light district. giggling away seeing those porno stuff n asking darren wat r the uses of those sex toys. *jakun gals*
they have all kinds of prostitutes, posing themselves in bikinis behind transparent glass doors. got tall n short fat n skinny pretty n ugly old n young wild n tame, juz choose according to ur taste. n u'll c hamsap lou walking up n down. no wonder there r less sexual criminals in netherland. msia shud seriously consider abt this approach.
n it's reli funny to walk around these kinda places wif the vey pious khoe, he looked so shy n uneasy muahaha. well if not for him, we'd have watched a live sex show!
omg v r so evil! n ham sap.